Entomozodiac – Human Traits
The Entomozodiac associates certain human traits with the sign under which you are born. Enter your day of birth and click Submit to get an overview of traits related to your Entomozodiac sign.
Note that the year of birth is not relevant in our current “Entomozodiac 1” database. Traits are related to entire days, similar to the horoscopes used by pre-Incan astrologists. We hope in future to develop a more accurate database which also considers the hour of birth. In such a system we would need to include the year of birth. The actual length of a year is about 365.25 days. In our calendar we use years of 365 days with every fourth year being a leap year with 366 days. An entomozodiac based on day and hour of birth would be much more accurate than the current available system. The pre-Incans couldn’t be more accurate as they didn’t have exact time keeping equipment. But several sources show that attempt were made to fine-tune the horoscopes based on a rough division of the day in night, morning, and afternoon. Our research teams are developing a much more precise entomozodiac, but this requires studies of thousands of persons who know their exact moment of birth. You can participate in this “Entomozodiac 2” research programme.