The Beetle is the first astrological sign in the Entomozodiac, originating from the star constellation Beetle between Bee and Ant. In many cases it is pictured as a Scarab beetle, which is curious because the Scarab beetle is also important in Egyptian mythology and this particular species of beetle (a dung beetle) is represented in many ancient Egyptian amulets and Egyptian art.
Human traits
Beetles are usually depicted as harmonious, sympathetic, optimistic and cheerful characters. Often they are also indecisive, impatient and rather changeable. They don’t get angry quickly and are generally peaceful, but sometimes they can suddenly explode in a rage.
The following human traits (in alphabetical order) are common in Beetles, but expression of these characteristics varies a lot, depending on the actual day of birth:
Click here to look up human traits for a specific birth date.
The insect
Beetles are a group of insects called Coleoptera, a name which refers to their hardened shield-like forewings (coleo = shield, ptera = wing). They are very strong sturdy insects, which can be found in almost every habitat. There is an enormous variation in size and shape, the smallest being less than a millimeter long and the largest upto 20 centimeters.
Beetles live on different types of food. Many species feed on plants and fungi, making them important in the ecosystem as they break down animal and plant debris. But some species are carnivores and eat other invertebrates. For example the ladybird beetle feeds on aphids and other small insects. There are quite a number of beetles which are important agricultural pests which can damage or destroy crops.
Scarab beetles are a family of medium to big size beetles, often black in color, but some species can be very colorful. Some scarabs are called “dung beetles” with a typical behavior of rolling dung into spherical balls, which are then used as a food source for their larvae. The Scarab beetle is representing the Beetle sign in the Entomozodiac.